The most advanced mind mapping platform on Earth

About Us

We love what we do and we are passionate about it. We created Mindomo to improve your understanding, learning, and decision-making, hence supporting you to perform better in school or business.

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Str. Ciprian Porumbescu, Nr. 5A 300236 Timisoara, Romania

Phone: +40 757 546 928

E-mail: support(@)

VAT ID: RO 14440290

REG NO: J35/147/2002

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Mindomo Logos

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Light background Mindomo Logos

Light background Mindomo Logos

Contains Ai, Jpg, Png and Swf file formats


Dark background Mindomo Logos

Dark background Mindomo Logos

Contains Ai, Jpg, Png and Swf file formats


Mindomo Logo Media Kit

Mindomo Logo Media Kit

Contains Ai, Jpg, Png and Swf file formats on both light and dark background

Mindomo Product Images

Mindomo Product Images

Contains Png file formats

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